Friday, July 27, 2007

The Funky Friday Rundown (7/27/2007)

(Note: Every Friday [I do not post on Saturday or Sunday], I am going to do a one-line commentary about the past week on some of the more popular penny stocks listed on Investors Hub. These are NOT recommendations... just some thoughts. )

GTEM ($0.21) -- "I love the possibility of this one very long term, but now's not the time and by no means has it been (or will it likely be) smooth sailing."
2) PAIM ($0.0013) -- "Wouldn't touch it with a 20-foot stick... seems like a very tough mining operation to sustain in the Phillipines, but I am silently cheering for its success."
3) SPZI ($0.0135) -- "Sure wish I could try out their product to see if it's everything they say it is. Keeping an eye on this one... far in the back of my head."
4) PBLS ($0.0135) -- "Lower quarterly income than expected, but this one is high on my long-term radar... I think it can go a 'lil lower before getting more"
5) WRNW ($0.0025) -- "As much as I hate oil, I kinda like what I see here... gotta admit, I haven't been watching this one for long though..."

Got a stock you want me to watch? Leave a comment.

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