Friday, August 24, 2007

The Funky Friday Rundown (8/24/07)

(Note: Every Friday, I am going to do a one-line commentary about the past week on some of the more popular penny stocks listed on Investors Hub. These are NOT recommendations. They are just some thoughts. )

1) Seaway Valley Capital Corporation (SWVC) -- Its nice to see this company's attempt in acquiring a decent brand-named business, but is it really going to make an impact to elevate this stock above the pink sheet gravity...? Is there really a future here? Where is there a true competitive edge that can effectively launch and sustain company growth? I just can't see it.

2) Xechem International, Inc. (XKEM) -- There might be some long-term potential here. It pains me to say this though, but bear in mind that there are reasons why companies tend to stay away from operating in Africa. Nevertheless, in the short- to medium-term, I'm not expecting much progress on the stock ticker until the facilities are fully operational and doing business.

3) Burn Media Ltd (BUNM) -- Long-Term prognosis is very hazy. Not exactly a revolutionary idea, but like many modern-day business ventures it could easily be turned into one overnight with a little tweaking. Might be interesting to keep an eye on, but I see nothing here that says buy at the current state of the company. If popularity soars, we'll have a different story. Don't hold your breath.

4) Eternal Image (ETIM) -- I like anything under $0.004. Going to have to wait a while for this one to take off.

5) Ifinix Corp (INXR) -- I think this one might spike again, but I'm staying out.


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