Friday, August 3, 2007

The Funky Friday Rundown (8/3/2007)

(Note: Every Friday [I do not post on Saturday or Sunday], I am going to do a one-line commentary about the past week on some of the more popular penny stocks listed on Investors Hub. These are NOT recommendations... just some thoughts. )

1) West Point Capital Inc (WPNC) -- Potentially turned-sinner? I like the management, concept, and share structure. Undervalued on future value, but can the company truly meet its "financial guidance?"

2) Ifinix Corporation (INXR) -- This one still remains way too hazy to be a solid investment... get a brokerage signed on & then we'll see.

3) Panamersa Corporation (PNMS) -- No significant news in a long time leaves unhappy investors, but there has been a consistent trend of sideways trading... dare to look beneath the skin on this one? You either believe it or you don't. Win big or lose it all.

4) Phoenix Associates Land Syndicate (PBLS) -- Looking higher within a few weeks. The company's building a vertically-integrated empire, but is it coming at the costly expense of shareholders (dilution)? UPDATE (1pm): "The BIG news was released today! GO BUY at these undervalued prices! TA being ungagged, showing the company's opening up as well!"

5) Xechem International, Inc. (XKEM) -- Possible long term success, but we won't be seeing this take off anytime soon. Lets look back in a year.

Leave a comment on a stock you want watched.

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