Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Patience is a Virtue

“Patience is a virtue...”

The old slogan is beaded with wisdom when contrasting the trader to the investor. Patience is the defining factor that distinguishes between the two. It is the missing element that weighs a sizeable return upon the company’s progress rather than the sentiment of those following it. Above all, it is the most elusive characteristic of the penny stock investor (PSI).

What patience means:

  • Patience means avoiding to execute trades on volatility.
  • Patience means retaining a likely futuristic outlook of the company.
  • Patience means enduring non-crimpling obstacles to the company.

What patience does not mean:

  • Patience does not mean blindly holding onto a currently overvalued stock.
  • Patience does not mean reacting to rumors before proof.
  • Patience does not mean justifying a progress-crimpling obstacle as a non-event.

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